Many times, people have asked me if I’m concerned about sharing my methods and techniques at my seminars, especially since many of the attendees are other web professionals wanting to improve their skills. I have often told them that I don’t believe in competition.
I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that there is NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD who has the same combination of strengths, experience, and abilities that I do. Since I’m a mathematician, I can even prove it numerically.
Recently, I was meeting with someone, and after he realized how different my approach was from a traditional web company, he leaned back and said, “Wow! You don’t have any competitors–just distractions.” I like that analysis. People going to other web companies and spending money and getting very little in return is not competition to what I do. It just distracts them from coming to the right place in the first place. It’s just a detour until they come to someone who builds them a website that actually make money, a website that can be their #1 employee.
Does this sound like I’m bragging? It isn’t intended to. I believe that many of you are just as unique in your skills, strengths and experience in your field as I am in mine. And when your website showcases that uniqueness, it will be an exciting place to visit.
Having a website that sets you apart from the crowd allows YOU to serve many more people with your unique gifts and skills. Don’t you owe it to them to have one?
To your success!