You don’t need a website in order to build your business. In fact, I have a good friend who grew a very successful business using traditional networking and prospecting activities to generate his leads. The catch is, even after 20 years in the business, he’s still spending 4 hours every single day on prospecting activities to generate leads.
As a business owner, your time is worth a lot. If your target salary is $250,000 per year, and you’re spending 4 hours per day to generate sales leads, that means you’re investing $2,600 worth of your time per week, or $10,400 per month, in order to generate those leads.
What if investing $1,500 per month in your website could give you just as many highly qualified sales leads? Would that be more cost-effective?
When your website performs as your #1 employee, it gives you back many hours every day. With a steady stream of pre-qualified leads coming in from your site, you will spend far less time making cold calls, contacting people through LinkedIn, asking past clients for referrals and going to networking events.
How might you leverage your time if you weren’t prospecting? With your experience, your brilliance and your creativity, aren’t you worth far more working on your business than making cold calls? What might you do if you had more time to spend with your family? Imagine 4 extra hours. Every Single Day.
To your success!
Steve Johnsen is a marketing strategist, a business coach, and the Founder of Cloud Mountain Marketing. He is also the author of the Amazon #1 best-seller, 5 Easy Steps to Make Your Website Your #1 Employee.
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